

I don't give a shit about the earth. Here's what I'm all about ^ ^ ^



Last night me, Tyler & Aaron decided to go to the casino around 12:30am. We rolled into the Horseshoe hoping to win big. Tyler and I didn't even plan on gambling, we just were bored and wanted all of that free soda. We loaded up a few cups o' sod and Aaron hit the roulet table. He instantly lost $15 so we thought we were already done after about 10 minutes. We walked around some more and he decided he wanted to play some blackjack. He wanted me to play so he gave me $10. After two hands of blackjack we were both out. It was a good enough time though, got us out of the house and into the land of freaks.

I can't believe the people you see at a casino in Council Bluffs at 12:30 on a Tuesday night. Tons of people were there and it blew my skull. People were spending hundreds, some probably thousands of dollars. Old and young alike. I thought it would be dead but every table was full and the slot machines were bumpin. The trash of America all attracted to one building...what does that say about us?

Afterwards we stopped at the donut stop for a few pastries before bed. We told the lady there that we had just went to the casino. She then started to tell us about her serious gambling problem. She informed us she couldn't even loan her boyfriends $5 and is too afraid to admit to him that she has a serious addiction to gambling. She just spent her entire paycheck over in Council Bluffs and she couldn't even buy things from Wal-Mart that she needs at home. I couldn't handle the conversation seriously so I just laughed the whole time she fed us all of this information. People are wild, I see it everyday. All you have to do is walk down Park Ave anytime, or go to the casino late at night...or even go to the donut stop.



Hercules realized we didn't have the money to drive from Minneapolis to Iowa City to Omaha. We could have, but we would have come home with $2.00 so we decided not to go to the Trash Talk show. I was super bummed but luckily I got dropped off along I-80 in Iowa and got picked up by Nik, Kailey, Lindsay and Moose. I had already been in the van for 6 hours then I realized I still had another 8 in the car, fuck. I did it anyways because it was Kailey's birthday and I wanted to hang out with her and of course I wanted to see Trash Talk again.

Iowa City is just your average college town, looked just like Lincoln, Lawrence, Madison, you've seen it all before. Joe formerly of Haunted Basement in Des Moines fame was there and it was really cool to see him again. The first band that played was a straight up radio rock band from Minneapolis called "A Verse Unsung." I thought they were awful but I guarantee they will be huge on the radio someday, they have what it takes. Most people just sat down and watched them but I stood in front with Joe and tried to at least pretend I was interested. I eventually sat down about 6 songs in.

In Defence played next and that was a great fucking time. Hercules played with them in October of 2007 in Minneapolis and they were a great time then. The dudes in the band are all really nice and they're just down for punk rock music. They had some great things to say about circle pits, tacos, pizza and gay marriage. Kids were really into them, even the nazi punks fuck off kids came out to show their support which was pretty wild. Haven't seen any of those kids in a long time, wish they'd come to local Omaha-Lincoln shows.

Trash Talk played next and I don't know what to say other than they were fucking amazing. Probably the most legit band in hardcore music right now. They tour hard, play hard as fuck and they're just super down to earth dudes who do this because they love punk rock muisc. They played a great set of stuff from all of their releases since Walking Disease. I was bummed for people from Nebraska didn't come out, it would have been a killer time. Lee told me that they're doing an all basement tour this summer and they really want to play Ghost House again so everyone be looking out for that show.

We didn't stay for The Bronx, I don't think any of us were super interested in seeing them and it was already 12:30 when Trash Talk got done and we still had a 4 hour drive back to Omaha. You know my old ass passed out right when I got in the car. I had a lot of trouble sleeping, I pinched a nerve in my arm at the show and it hurt like hell the entire car ride home. Still hurts today, I'm super pissed off. Got home around 4:30 but was still wide away from the 4 hour nap I just took. So I talked to Kailey on the phone for a little bit then watched all of Clerks 2 and threw in Grandmas Boy before I finally hit it around 6:30am.

This week has been pretty sweet, got out of Omaha for a while, saw some cool bands play. Whammy. Playing tonight in Papillion @ T.O. Garcias. Sorry that Hercules is playing AGAIN. Don't get sick of us. I'm excited to see what this place is all about, I'm always down for new venues. Hopefully some kids come out, fuck easter sunday. I'm back home so now I probably won't have a lot to write about. Hopefully I do though. I don't even know if anyone reads this.



Left Fargo after eating some nice pita's at Pita Pit. Changed my life for the better. Drove to Minneapolis, pretty short drive today but seemed like it took forever. Stopped outside of Minneapolis and ended up sitting at a Target for an hour or so. Got to The Alamo around 6:30 and no one was there. It was really weird for a while but people finally started showing up around 8:30. I fell asleep in the van and missed Condominium, I was super pissed. I woke up to Tyler telling me it was time to play and I was really out of it.

Our set was pretty fun. I can never tell if anyone in this town likes us or hates us. Modern Problems from Winnipeg was super awesome. Real fast, old school hardcore. I went back out to the van and fell asleep again and slept through Dios Mio which really bums me out because they are one of my favorite Midwest bands. I woke up this time to Danny moving the van so we could load up. I talked to Kailey on the phone the whole time and didn't load up anything, kind of felt like a dick.

We were all really excited to eat what we were told were the best burritos in Minneapolis and Pineda. It was closed when we got there. Just my luck! Then we went to Little Ceasars to try and dumpster some pizzas from there but that of course did not work either. So we're at this dudes Charlies house making spaghetti, listening to black sabbath. It's a good time. Unfortunately for me he has two cats and smokes in his house, looks like another freezing night in the van for me.

Tomorrow (or today if you want to be a dick about it) we're driving to Iowa City to see Trash Talk @ The Picador. Friends from Lincoln are driving there as well so it should be a really good time. I am super beat this week. I have only been getting 4 - 5 hours of sleep since last Thursday or so. Don't know what my deal is. The shitty sleep I got last night (and will most likely get tonight) aren't helping either. Fuck the world, right?

Sunday we're playing in Omaha AGAIN (sorry everyone) with Energy, Defeater and Reviver @ T.O. Garcias. Should be a good time, never played there before. It will be weird going out to Papillion, I haven't been there in such a long time. But there's no point to go to a part of town that Jordan might possibly patrol. Come out, but don't watch us because we'll just be playing the same set we played Tuesday & Wednesday.

I'm tired, I think I'll go out to the van.



Last night Hercules played a show in Fargo, North Dakota. I was nervous driving up here because of the recent flooding on the entire city. Turns out the waters have receded for now but the 8 inches of snow they received after the flood is about to melt and start the whole mess over again. I'm sure everyone here is really excited for that to happen! The dude we're staying with, Wang, said his Uncle lost his house a few weeks ago. I can't imagine your fucking house gone because of water. Holy shit.

Tuesday we played Agnostic Front & Ruiner, the show was fucking badass. A lot of people came out and almost all of the bands were sweet. I honestly enjoyed Ruiner more than Agnostic Front. I know that makes me nuts but Ruiner is here and now, my time in hardcore, I think we live in the past too much, cool shit is also going on right now. Wednesday we opened up for Jucifer in Lincoln and I don't even know what to say...one of the best live performances I have ever seen in my life. Heaviest guitar tone I have ever experienced. There was a point when their gear was feeding back where I didn't know whether or not to throw up the horns or start crying like a baby. And of course they played in Omaha the next night and we had to leave. There's always a good show when we leave town!

We left Omaha late (like usual) at around 12:00 noon yesterday. Left The Float Crib around 11:30 but had to make a few pit stops to get drum sticks and gas. We took our good buddy DJ with us. We picked him up in the Walgreens parking lot on 27th ST when we were leaving Lincoln. We pulled up to 3 cop cars surrounding Lindsays car. We just parked and waited. A cop approached the van and started shooting the shit with us about our Deleons. He then asked us what we were doing, blah blah blah then asked to see my license. I gave it to him and he left for a while. Then we reappeared and said "You know you have a warrant, right?" I said "no." Then he said "hahaha just kidding, you don't" to which I replied "ok." Cops are fucking assholes. Then we finally got DJ and left! Got to sleep at 5:30 and woke up at 9:45 so I was fucking wrecked.

The drive to Fargo was a little longer but it didn't feel too bad. I spent most of my time finishing up the last few books of Y: The Last Man. I have 2 or 3 more and I don't want to be done, such a good story! On a pit stop to get gas, Tyler left the back door open and as we drove away from the fueling station we heard a load crash out of the back. Tyler turned around to see his board bouncing up and down the road to which he exclaimed "NO!! You need to pull over right now!" It was hilarious. Luckily nothing else fell out, we got really lucky.

Finally pulled into Fargo around 6:30, I had never been here before but it's not a bad town. The show was kind of weird at first. We jumped on a show for a touring act called Howards Dillemma. It's just one dude touring the country alone in a mini van. Think of the show is the rainbow meets B52's meets a weird sketch comedy show all with loud techno music behind it. It was awesome. He pulled people on stage and sprayed them with silly string, made them do other things to be apart of his act. Check him out if he comes through your town. Then we played with a bad two piece band called Almost Something then this really sweet melodic punk rock band from here called Too Fast For Frank closed the show, they were fucking awesome.

We played at a sweet 16+ (kind weird,kind lame) coffee shop called The Red Raven. Omaha or Lincoln needs a show space like this so let's get on that ok? Jed who did our show was a super nice guy but couldn't hang after because he had to go to work. We stopped at Taco Bell to eat since Pita Pit was closed. At Taco Bell Tyler asked the girls working if they wanted to smoke in our van. The manager said it was too sketchy but gave us free Cinnamon Twists instead. Had nowhere to stay but luckily Charlie aka "Wang" let us stay at his place. He has a really nice house with an awesome dog named Joe in Moorhead, MN. He also has 2 cats who shed, so to avoid death I slept in the van. Fell asleep around 1:30 then woke up EVERY hour until I finally just got up at 9:30. It was so fucking cold I can't even believe it. I was actually pretty cozy, just my face of feet were freezing. The worst sleep ever, but it could have been a lot worse.

Today we're playing in Minneapolis, MN at a house called The Alamo. Wang told us the kids there party really hard so I'm looking forward to playing. Haven't played Minneapolis since November 2007 so it's cool to finally get back up there. We kind of pass the northern midwest a lot of I don't know why. Hopefully after our June tour we can get back up north and north east like we did a year and a half ago. Tomorrow is Kailey's birthday and she's coming to the Trash Talk show in Iowa City. I'm excited to see her and excited to see Trash Talk again. Lincoln friends will be in attendance so it should be a wild time. I know Joe is going to crack some skulls.

It's awesome to finally have something to write about other than my boring day at work or how I have nothing to do. I like being on tour. I miss home, but I think getting away from it all is good for you every once and a while. Makes you miss it, makes you appreciate what you have at home and makes you realize what and who you really care about. My 21st birthday was the best birthday of my life. New hilarious license, the casino buffet, doubling my money playing blackjack, new shoes, hanging with the boys, scholtzskys with T, Jucifer show, mine and kaileys party at ghost house, presents from so many people. Thanks to everyone who gave me a memorable birthday! Feeling really pumped and excited about life today. Keep it up!



My new license is ridiculous. I'm 21. I thought I was like 16. Shit.



Well, this will be my last entry as a child in the eyes of most of the world. Tonight at midnight I will be turning 21 years old. I will officially be an old ass man. Not looking too forward to that but there's not shit I can do about it. Playing some sweet shows the next couple of days. Tonight we're playing with Agnostic Front and Ruiner. Jucifer in Lincoln tomorrow. Then with Dios Mio in Minneapolis. Going to see trash talk the next day. Then coming home and playing with Defeater. A lot of sweet shows! Plus I don't work until Thursday the 16th so I have a lot of days off. That's not good for me money wise but it will make me feel great and that's all I care about. Things are looking up as of now. That can always change at anytime though.

Tomorrow : wake up. new license. casino - buffet/gambling for free. Lincoln. Ghost House early show. Knickerbockers late show. Ghost House birthday party for me and Kailey. Should be a great time! Come out!



Thought I worked today. I don't. Koizumi show tomorrow. Still sick, will sing like shit. Setting myself up to get knocked down again. Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself? Wish I knew. Holy shit.