While eating at White Castle we sadly missed Bring That Shit's set which really bummed me out. There were a ton of punks out at the show and that was really sweet. I guessed around 100 but I was told probably only 60 or so. With people going in and out and all wearing the same clothes it was hard to tell for real. Never the less there were a lot of people there. It was a 6 band show that got started at 10:30 and we were scheduled to play last. We planned on driving home that night so we knew it was going to be a late one.
Some really awesome bands played. Bring That Shit, Much Worse, Lord Green, Animals and Beasts and Dios Mio. During Much Worse I was standing at the top of the stairs when the door to the show room suddenly swings open and a man flies out at hits the stairs. Apparently (according to the dude who threw him out) the dude was a "new york asshole hate mosher." It was pretty nuts. The crowd was a wild mix of Minneapolis punks and I loved it. Saw a dude there who I straight up thought was the lead singer of The Casualties. Walked by another punk who was sobbing like a child saying "I love my dad, why doesn't he love me? I wish he would just kill me." People got problems n shit.
By the time Dios Mio took the room people were real wasted and looking for a fight. Saw two dudes completely fucked up go from hating each other and almost fighting to hugging to eventually pushing each other and yelling "FUCK YOU MAN! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Finally at around 1:45am it was our turn to play. It was an alright time. I jumped up and smashed my head into the ceiling, leaving a nice dent. When my head collided with the ceiling I heard a loud CRUNCH on the inside of my neck and it's hurt pretty bad ever since. These dudes kept grabbing Danny's cymbals so I kicked one of them square in the chest. He was so fucked up he didn't care though. At the end of the show Chino got revenge by throwing his bass right into the two dudes, it was great.
After that we loaded up the Winnie for one last time and finally got on the road back to Omaha at 4:00am. I passed out in the back in a lot of pain and finally after 5 and a half hours we pulled back home at 9:30am. I wasn't into going to bed so I headed to my parents house for a day filled with laundry, internet, television and a nice shower. I met up with my girls later in the day, ate Valentinos Grand Italian Buffet then hit the road to Lincoln. Not much sleep here at the Farm, I was woken up at 8:00am and I realized I really am back at home. I'm spending today with my favorite girl Dani watching Monsters Inc, going to the park, getting ice cream then hopefully taking a nap.
Tour fucking ruled. I can't wait to hit the road once again. Thanks so much to our pals in Battle for making tour such a great time, we'll see you dick bags in October. Thanks to everyone we met (even the bums...especially the bums) and everyone who helped us out with a show, a place to stay or anything. Thanks to Bailey for getting us into Canada and booking us some cool ass shows. Check out Voices from Calgary, Alberta. We'll be back to Canada as soon as we can.
Hercules isn't slowing down too much. We're playing a show in April and a show or 2 in may then a short tour in June up to Midwest Fest and home. Playing with Bastard Noise in July then I'm sure we'll be booking up the rest of the summer soon. Another big tour in October. Possible split being worked out soon. Whammy.
Upcoming shows:
April 25th Lincoln, NE @ Ghost House w. Former Thieves, Bone Dance, Agress & Discourse
May 23rd Omaha, NE @ The Commons w. Foundation, Rotting Out, Backtrack, Harms Way & Feral Hands
June 2nd Sioux City, IA @ Legion Hall w. Life Won't Wait, Crooked Ways & more
June 3rd Minneapolis, MN @ The Beat w. Life Won't Wait, Crooked Ways, Nothing To Nothing, Everything Went Black & Arms Aloft
June 3rd Minneapolis, MN @ TBA *LATE SHOW* w. TBA
June 4th Minneapolis, MN @ MIDWEST FEST
June 5th Minneapolis, MN @ MIDWEST FEST
June 6th - 8th TBA w. AGRESS
June 9th Omaha, NE @ The Hole w. In Defence, Agress & High Dive
July 10th Lincoln, NE @ The Bourbon w. Bastard Noise & more!
www.myspace.com/herculesne for all dat info n shit