Cedar Falls, Iowa
The show in Springfield ended up being pretty cool especially considering we booked it really last minute. Post show we got some pizza and soda and enjoyed more zombie movies at our best buddy Warren's house. Today was an absolutely awful drive to Cedar Falls. It ended up being a 9 hour drive, all highway, no food anywhere. I also stayed up until 7:00am and was awoken at 9:00am so that didn't help at all.
The show in Cedar Falls tonight was awesome. It was at 1108 and a lot of kids came out which was really cool. That Build No System band gets better every time I see them. The show went so fast I couldn't even believe it was over. I think we finished up just before 9:30pm which was sweet after a shitty day of driving. We hung out at 1108 for a while then came to Doyle & Addison's house where Addison made us an incredible stir fry and pot stickers meal. We washed it down with a 12 pack of coca cola our main man Jeff Chord bought for us. I'm still full from the meal.
We finally discovered the new Tourette's Guy videos. They. Are. In.Cred.Ible. Do yourself a big favor and check them out if you haven't yet. Now we're lying low enjoying Ace Ventura When Nature Calls. Tomorrow Hercules is practicing at 1108 and teaching Mitch some of our old songs so we can play them for all of you lovely people at our last show Saturday, November 6th @ The Manor. After practice we're going to go see Jackass 3d and I'm hoping to stay in the theater to catch Paranormal Activity 2. Our show is only an hour and a half away and doesn't even start until 10:00pm. It's gonna be a late night. Then on Halloween we're playing @ the Borg Ward in Milwaukee w/ Agress, Armada & Harms Way. Come out!
Tour is coming to a close. Such a good time. I'm typing this with the smallest kitty I've ever seen on my lap.
Downloading season 5 of Dexter. Tour life is better than real life.
Springfield, Missouri
The show started really late, like most shows of this tour have. Agress opened the show up a little after 10:30pm. The crowd was a little weird. Some punkers, some bros, most people choosing to sit at the bar while all of the bands played. People also didn't seem to want to clap between songs for any of the bands. It was really strange. I somehow got sick within a 2 hour period so after we played I took an hour nap while Ghastly City Sleep played. Thou was incredible as always and did a really cool Nirvana cover. Tyler and Mitch stayed at the bar and took advantage of the $1.75 whiskey and cokes offered to the bands.
Post show everyone but Aaron and myself were pretty wasted. Tyler was the drunkest I've ever seen him. He attempted to skateboard so many times, finally stopping when his legs went one way and the board went the other way as he flew in the air and crashed into the Baton Rouge streets. We hung out with the Ghastly City Sleep dudes who told us a lot of crazy Pg. 99 / City Of Caterpillar for a while. Then it was time to go eat. Tyler was too drunk to even walk. He came to the diner for a bit but decided to go back to the van as we gorged ourselves. When we came back to the van all we saw was the van doors open, Tyler's feet dangling out and a huge pile of puke outside the van. We took some great pictures of it.
We got the the apartment we were staying at with a few other bands. We all went inside as Tyler lied in the street, puking on his own hands. We got him into the van to go to sleep. The next morning we woke up and Tyler told us about his crazy night. He ended up getting out of the van and shirtless, he lied in the dirt next to some trash cans. Early in the morning a cop drove by, looked at him and drove away. When Tyler finally awoke, a lady pulled up to an apartment next to the one we were staying at. Tyler was too drunk to realize where we all went. The lady said hi to him "in a way that made it seem like the rest of you guys were staying with her" according to Tyler. So a shirtless, sweaty, dirty, vomit soaked Tyler followed this lady up the stairs to her apartment only to realize...none of us were in there. He finally figured it out and made his way to us.
We finally got on the road at noon and had the most boring, non straight road, hot, longest drive ever from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Springfield, Missouri. After 12 hours we finally showed up to our friend Warren's house, put on Night Of The Living Dead and hit the hay. Tonight we're playing here in Springfield @ The Lemon Drop. We got the Winnie an oil change today and she's riding great. Not too many shows left of tour, come out to the ones you can!
10.28 Springfield, MO @ Lemon Drop
10.29 Cedar Falls, IA @ 1108
10.30 Iowa City, IA @ White Lightning
10.31 Milwaukee, WI @ Borg Ward
11.01 Indianapolis, IN @ The Dojo
11.02 Nashville, TN @ Little Hamilton
11.03 Chattanooga, TN @ Anarchtica
11.04 Louisville, KY @ Keswick Democratic Club
11.05 Chicago, IL @ Summer Camp
11.06 Omaha, NE @ The Manor
Hope to see the Midwest show up to The Manor on Saturday, November 6th. Let's party!
Fort Worth, Texas
2 nights ago we played a show in Tulsa, Oklahoma @ The Reverb. I know my buddies in Oklahoma are going to read this and get bummed but I really don't like the state of Oklahoma. I like my friends who live there but Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah all bum the shit out of me when I'm there. I don't know why. The vibe of all of those states just weird me out. Desolate places.
The show there was fun. Not many people showed up but I still had a good time. Played at a really cool venue called The Reverb. We got to Tulsa about 3 hours before the show started so we hung out at the venue for a while then decided to hit the town. Nothing seemed to be going on so we did some online research about different strip clubs in town. After some scientific diagnosis we decided on "Night Trips." A few of the dudes didn't have money to weren't 21 so a few of us went in while others hung out in the parking lot.
Being under 21 didn't stop Johnny from Agress. He took Eric's ID and walked into the club like he owned the place and he got in no problem, it was wild. He even ordered a Budweiser. A true American hero. So we looked at some strippers for a while. Mainly watched them all come right over to Chino. I don't know if it was his long locks or his leather vest but every stripped gravitated right to his glorious mustache. When a woman wants a true man, they can find one in Chino.
After an hour or so at Night Trips we decided it was about time to get back to The Reverb. As we were leaving Agress backed out right as we were backing out causing us to stop in the middle of the parking lot. As they continued backwards I noticed they were heading towards a car so I just kept saying "you're gonna hit that car...You're gonna hit that car, watch out there's a car...YOU'RE GONNA HIT THAT CAR" BOOM! Eric backed right into a really nice car that obviously belonged to someone who worked at Night Trips. We started losing it as Agress just sped off right into a dead end. We decided to then get out of there before anyone suspected us.
After the show in Tulsa we stayed with our buddy Josiah. Most of us passed out really quick . Apparently sometime in the night Josiah's dad came up to me as I was sleeping, spread eagle outside of my sleeping bag and asked me "How was the gig tonight?" The only thing I can think of is I was mouth quivering and he may have assumed I was awake? I also slept sitting up with my eyes open in my bed at home a few weeks ago so who knows, my eyes could have been open. Luckily Tyler woke up as this happened and answered "good" for me.
Today we got up early and headed down to Fort Worth, Texas for our show at 1919 Hemphill, one of my favorite venues of all time. We got to Fort Worth and dropped Chino off at his parents. We headed to the Cain resident's and met their 3 cats, exotic fish, turtle who lives in the pool and Colonel, the chicken in the backyard. As Tyler and Kurt enjoyed some clam chowder and bread, Mitch and I headed to Pizza Garden, the supreme $3.99 pizza buffet here in Fort Worth. It. Was. Great. After that we came back to Tyler's and I dumped around on the computer for 2 and half hours, watching south park and cataloging the entire Hercules recording and tour history.
The show at 1919 was sweet. We sadly missed the first band because we were told to get to a show at 9 that started at 8:30. I'm sorry LIKEWISE. Hopefully I'll see your band next time. Next up was Innards, a really sweet screamo type band featuring dudes who used to be in Jubilee. Real nice guys, really good band. Agress was next and they got the crowd mashin' hard. We played after that and slopped around for a few minutes then a really sweet band called Prognosis Negative closed the night out.
I got a nice shower in tonight and we all filled up on some Whattaburger for our midnight snack. Try the BOB (breakfast on a bun). Tomorrow we are playing in San Antonio, TX. Hopefully we have some wild adventures. Tour has been great so far!
Full Hercules discogrpahy / tour history
Tracks 1 -6 THE BISON EP
released 05.29.2005 - self released
released 03.17.2006 - self released
CD released 09.09.2006 - Pretzel City Records
LP released 11.18.2007 - Nihilism Records
I released 10.26.2007 - self released
II released 11.28.2008 - self released (this version includes FROM THE MOLD demo)
Tracks 35 - 47 MOON RIDERS
released 06.11.2009 - Nihilism Records
Tracks 48 - 51 BRING ME POWER
released 03.05.2010 - Nihilism / Pretzel City Records
Tracks 52 - 63 SKIN TIGHT
released 03.24.2010 - 5nsakefork Records
01. I’ve Got Your Back
02. Let’s Make It Happen
03. Make Up Your Mind
04. My Names Marshall, I’m From Cleveland
05. The Troubled
06. You Make Me Sick
07. I’ve Got Your Back (re recorded)
08. Remain On Top
09. Deal With It, Sucka
10. My Names Marshall, I’m From Cleveland (re recorded)
11. You Can’t Talk If You Don’t Camp (demo)
12. Stay Like This Forever (demo)
13. Let’s Make It Happen (re recorded)
14. Waiting For The Summer (demo)
15. Piss On You (Vitamin X cover)
16. Live, Laugh, Love (demo)
17. Cast Out
18. Waiting For The Summer
19. Haggard Pits
21. Stay Like This Forever
22. Juggano
23. You Can’t Talk If You Don’t Camp
24. Hang Loose / Head Bang
25. Concrete Wave
26. Keep It Rad
27. Live, Laugh, Love
28. Heart A Tact (Kid Dynamite cover)
29. More Than A Game (demo)
30. Time Wasted (demo)
31. Out Of Luck (demo)
32. Suburban Home (Descendants cover)
33. From The Mold (demo)
34. 420 lb Bong Session
35. Ancient Scrolls of the Moon Riders
36. From The Mold
37. Time Wasted
38. More Than A Game
39. Out Of Luck
40. Limited Time Only
41. Robin Hoodlums
42. Sewer Scum
43. He’s Here
44. The Extraordinary Journey of the Moon Riders
45. Left Behind
46. 5950
47. If You Got The Stash, We Got The Cash
48. Forest Fryer
49. Wicked Witch
50. Island Of The Eyes
51. Lord Of This World (Black Sabbath cover)
52. Goofball Soup
53. Haggard Pits (live)
54. Moon Riders (live)
55. From The Mold (live)
56. Time Wasted (live)
57. You Can’t Talk If You Don’t Camp (live)
58. Robin Hoodlums (live)
59. Sewer Scum (live)
60. He’s Here (live)
61. Left Behind (live)
62. Concrete Wave (live)
63. If You Got The Stash, We Got The Cash (live)
June 2007 - 2 week Midwest tour
October - November 2007 - 1 month East Coast tour
January 2008 - Midwest weekend tour w/ Thrash Wave
May 2008 - 1 month West Coast / Hawaii tour
November - December 2008 - 1 week Midwest tour
February - March 2009 - 1 month East Coast tour w/ The JV All Stars
April 2009 - 1 week Midwest tour
June - July 2009 - 1 month West Coast tour w/ In The Face of War
August - September 2009 - 1 month East Coast tour w/ Battle!
December 2009 - Midwest weekend tour
March 2010 - 1 month West Coast / Canada tour w/ Battle!
June 2010 - 1 week Midwest tour w/ Agress & Lord Green
October - November 2010 - 3 week Midwest tour w/ Agress
5 and a half years. 9 releases. 63 recorded songs. 35 total songs. 13 tours. Too much fun.
This band has been the biggest thing in my life since I was 16 years old. I will miss it dearly.
Be on the lookout for our new band POWERSLOP that should be starting up Summer 2011.
Kansas City, Missouri
Attention Seeker was fast and unrelenting hardcore with Brett Ray freaking out on vocals. I'm pretty sure he had tears in his eyes at the end of the set. These dudes were wild. While they played 2 bums walked in. I know, big fucking surprise, bums at a Hercules show. One of the bums really just looked like Father Time and the other one was your standard loser bum. Father Time lied in the middle of the floor for Attention Seekers entire set. They kept getting moshed but they didn't care one bit. At one point while Attention Seeker was playing, Father Time was just screaming in agony while on the floor. Shortly after he lit a cigarette the people running Studded Bird threw him out.
Next up was Harsh Reality, local hard hitters from KCMO featuring Meatball, the legit dude who booked this show for us. They weren't what I was expecting at all. Real heavy hardcore but not in the vein of most bands today, it was pretty cool. Kids got real wild when they played, even the bums were getting in the pit. During their set Father Time started yelling at some girls telling them that they were ugly and they should look in a mirror for 20 years. When he got in the face of one of the girls she pushed him SO.HARD. right back into the crowd where he immediately got moshed to the floor. Post show the bum still wasn't leaving these girls alone so Meatball (a calm, real nice dude) started screaming at this bum that he was going to kick his ass. I was so excited to see this happen. But sadly the bum apologized and sat there saying "I think I did something wrong...I'm engaged you know." I'm, sure you are, bum.
After that Agress took the stage. They knocked out some heavy jammers from their newest self titled 7". Pick one up if you haven't yet. During their punishing set the bum (not father time) was getting real into them. He even stopped after one of the songs and quieted the crowd to say "THESE GUYS CAN PLAY. YOU CAN DO IT. PLAY THAT SHIT!" Jacob Justice was getting pissed at this old dude and said into the mic right at him "I'm not afraid to beat the fuck out of an old dude." The bum got so mad and started yelling "COME ON BOY! COME ON NOW!" But then forgot what he was doing and started laughing and moshing to Agress.
Next, the bum community's all star band Hercules set up to play. Our set was a lot of fun. We've only played Kansas City one other time and that was about 2 years ago w/ Cruel Hand & Dagger Mouth. Kids were getting pretty into it. Our trusty roadie Kurt even moshed so hard that he FLATTENED Father Time ON.HIS.FACE. I was getting really dissapointed that the bum wasn't heckling us at all so I called him out and told him to get up here and yell at me. He still didn't. I broke a string at one point so Tyler decided to give the bum the mic. He wouldn't hold it to his mouth so all I heard out of his speech was "PEOPLE, PEOPLE PLEASE, LISTEN TO ME." I'm sure his advice was breath taking. Towards the end of our set a new bum emerged from the back, clearly flying high on crack cocaine. During our last song he was taking his lighter trying to set himself on fire. The only thing he accomplished was burning off all of his arm hair.
The night ended right at Waffle House where a drunk ass dude was just yelling at his girlfriend thinking she stole his $100 bill. After that we came back to our good friend Amy's house to get a heavy slumber on. On the way here we saw the DRUNKEST.PERSON.EVER. This guy couldn't walk but he was still walking. I stopped and asked him if he was ok and he just threw his arms in the air, waved, and gave me the biggest drunk eyes ever. We went around the block again to take a look at this piece of work and Tyler was begging someone to go push him over. We declined and headed to the house to snooze hard.
Tonight we're playing in Tulsa, Oklahoma @ The Reverb. Keep checking the corner.