
Wheel Chair Mosh

Tour is fucking awesome so far. Sunday we played in Iowa City with Cross Examination and they were so incredible live. It was the first time that I ever saw them. You know the last song they played was Reign In Blood by Slayer and it slayed so fucking hard. Outside of the show there were bums all over Iowa City looking for a handout. Always blows my mind. Had a really chill night at our friend Joe's house, hanging out, eating and talking late into the night.

Had our show Monday in Illinois get canceled but luckily our good buddy Jeff Chord got us on a show in Cedar Falls at a bar called The Hub. It was like a back to school bash and we played with a ton of high school bands. A few of the bands were really really good and they were like 15 year old kids which got me really pumped on punk rock music. The show was a killer time, but a long night because 9 bands played and we went on last. I was really excited to see some Iowa friends for two days. Matt and I tried to break into a snap fitness at 2:30am and that didn't go over well. Saw a janitor at a rec center on the walk back to Jeff's and asked if we could come in to lift. He told us "I shouldn't even be talking to you, you'll come in here and get wild." All in a voice that sounded like the farmer dude from Waterboy.

Today we had a long drive from Cedar Falls to Indianapolis so we left Jeff's at 9:00am and started our Journey. A nice chill day of driving and it didn't go by too slow. Pulled up next to a truck full of turkey's that were mere feet from me and I was absolutely terrified. Had a lot of laughs in the van and at the show today. We have a really good group of people with us on this tour. The show tonight was awesome. It was in this huge building that an artist has called The Murphy Building. We played with Sometimes, Axis and Allies & Crime In Stereo. Axis and Allies was fucking amazing, check them out, they're from Indianapolis. Crime In Stereo gave a shout out to The Party Plex and we all hooped and hollard and everyone else in the place had no clue what was going on.

Just drove an hour and a half north to stay with our best buddies in Kokomo, Indiana. We had to stop at a White Castle first. The fries were great but I had my first White Castle burger and it was fucking terrible. Now we're hanging out at our friends with an awesome dog named Cody. Matt and I are going to try and lift at a gym a few miles away. It's like 2:00am but what else do we have to do when everyone else is at the bar? We have our first day off tomorrow but that is luckily one of two we'll have on this tour (if all goes well that is). I'm kind of bummed because we had a show but it's whatever. Driving to Cleveland, OH tomorrow and Danny is gonna buy us a hotel room. HBO, swimming pools and vending machines. Playing in Buffalo, New York on Thursday at a sweet house called The Argyle. This tour is looking to be an awesome time. So many jokes and movie quotes. Time to go lift.


Licensed To Chill

Tour starts today. Check back for updates. Be home in a month.


Food Poisoning

I leave in two weeks. I can't really believe that. I still don't feel like I am leaving. I absolutely don't have the money to do it but I'm going anyways. I am letting Kailey borrow my car since hers broke down. I am now without a car for two weeks but it's no big deal, she needs it more than I do. Things have been pretty cool lately, just hanging out, working kind of and getting ready to leave. I'm not really stressed at all which is cool. I just want to get on the road already. We don't have anyone going with us which bums me out because I think that will make me miss home a whole lot. I start my second job on Tuesday. Saw the new Harry Potter movie today and it was great.

Kailey and I got food poisoning at Fazolis on Thursday night so don't eat there. Threw up 7 times. Had diarrhea about 15 times. Felt awful the next day. Feel alright today. Slept in today and am staying up late tonight, two things I haven't done in a while and it feels awesome. Tomorrow I work. Monday I don't. Nothing much to say. Show tomorrow in Omaha. Should be a fun time if I make it there after work.



It has been a busy week. My days have been spent at work from 9-4 then doing whatever I can before I leave for Lincoln. I helped Kailey move everyday except Wednesday this week. I was there until 1:00-2:00am every night, most nights driving home to Omaha just to wake up at 8am for work. Plus I got a second job at godfathers and have been doing all of these things for our tour and our record. Things have been pretty fucking nuts. But it's all whatever and it's all worth it. Tour is 3 weeks from today. Real excited but real bummed to leave the people I love for another month.

A sweet band called Dawn Treader is staying at the float tonight, they're super nice. They're playing a show today at Ghost House w/ Treeline, Lord Green & Hold High The Severed Head of Thine Enemy. I am excited to see all of those bands! Then Monday Hercules is playing @ Sokol Underground w/ Terror, Death Before Dishonor, Trapped Under Ice & Fight Like Hell. I am hoping that this upcoming week is not as nuts as this one has been. I still have a lot of stuff to get done for tour. New tshirts, new records, new buttons, van tune up, new merch tubs, get all of our show info, much more. Plus Koizumi is trying to record before we leave and I'm trying to record some acoustic stuff with Chris Atkins. Hopefully I can get it all done before we leave, that would rule. Time to go to bed and go to work tomorrow. Looking forward to having Tuesday and Wednesday off. Hope to get some work done and hang with my friends and Kailey. Things are good. Life is cool.

I got puked on this weekend.