
Food Poisoning

I leave in two weeks. I can't really believe that. I still don't feel like I am leaving. I absolutely don't have the money to do it but I'm going anyways. I am letting Kailey borrow my car since hers broke down. I am now without a car for two weeks but it's no big deal, she needs it more than I do. Things have been pretty cool lately, just hanging out, working kind of and getting ready to leave. I'm not really stressed at all which is cool. I just want to get on the road already. We don't have anyone going with us which bums me out because I think that will make me miss home a whole lot. I start my second job on Tuesday. Saw the new Harry Potter movie today and it was great.

Kailey and I got food poisoning at Fazolis on Thursday night so don't eat there. Threw up 7 times. Had diarrhea about 15 times. Felt awful the next day. Feel alright today. Slept in today and am staying up late tonight, two things I haven't done in a while and it feels awesome. Tomorrow I work. Monday I don't. Nothing much to say. Show tomorrow in Omaha. Should be a fun time if I make it there after work.

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