
f - r - e - e - f - o - o - d

So pumped on life right now. Yesterday hung out with Kailey all day and had such an awesome time! Today ate valentinos grand italian buffet for Gabe's sisters graduation party. Met Gabe's family and they were all super nice. Went to the gym, lifted for an hour, came home to Tyler's step dad bringing us a new love seat. Went to Joey's graduation party, hands down the best one I've ever been to. The food was great, the friends were plentiful and the tunes were set to Sabbath. Came home, played guitar, took a cat nap then played a huge game of kickball at leavenworth park. A full 9 innings with The Float Crib coming out victorious 22-14. Tons of trash talk, so much fun!

I am pretty busy everyday until I leave. Honestly don't know when I'm gonna have time to pack. Tomorrow work 9-3, Koizumi practice then a show at Ghost House. Tuesday donate plasma, print Hercules inserts, Cruel Hand at The Manor. Wednesday last day of work 9-3 then Cody Ma's graduation party. Thursday donate plasma then play our tour kickoff/record release show. Leave Friday afternoon. This really snuck up on me. I remember telling Gabe "only 3 more weeks dude" and that feels like a few days ago. I am glad I have a lot to do these last few days though because if I didn't I'd be bored out of my mind and would just want to be on the road.

I have no food to eat until Friday and no spare money to buy groceries. I might just have to say fuck it and buy a little bit of food. I have to eat. Real tired, what a great day.

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