I got a great little read from Lauren yesterday called "Goin Veg!" It's basically any vegetarian/vegan how to guide you've read but more personal. It doesn't just spout out facts in 2 -3 sentences. It makes things relatable to you and I really enjoyed it a lot. Thank you Lauren for passing it along. I've been vegetarian again for one month and 2 days! Bummed that I ever stopped but what can you, right?
Trying to slowly transition into veganism. I know all of the guides, books, websites, messageboards, etc say it's so easy but in actuality it really isn't. Maybe for some but it hasn't been for me. The main reason it's been an issue for me is getting ample amounts of protein in my diet. I'm not a bodybuilder or anything but weight lifting is a big part of my life and it's hard to grow and strengthen muscle without protein. It's quite literally the building blocks of muscle. I've found so many vegan protein powders but they come with two big problems. One, they are all even more expensive than regular protein powders and two, they are all derived from hemp. If you know me you that I do not have money and I won't put any hemp placed product into me. Where's the straight edge bodybuilding website?
I am actually pretty positive eating vegan on tour won't be too hard. Luckily for me all of the guys from In The Face of War are vegan so I just plan on eating whatever they do honestly. Might be a little childish but I figure they tour and are vegan so I'll see how they do it! Also, Vic is vegan but I went on tour with him in February and he just ate KFC potato wedges the entire time. That is something that I absolutely cannot do. My plan for tour is a lot of nuts, fruit, vegetables, and meat subsitutes. The only problem is I am finding that most of the meat substitutes that I love contain milk or eggs. Fuck. Whatever, I will figure it out. I think I am heading in the right direction, just need to fine tune my life.
I was concerned with food I still have with animal products and clothes I still have with animal products. I think getting rid of those things would be stupid. I've purchased them, I've already supported it. If I give it all away it will just be someone else actually using it. I have leather shoes, I may as well use them since I bought them. I think throwing them out would actually be worse than anything. It's really awesome that Kailey is kind of on the same track as I am. She is vegetarian but really doesn't want to be vegan. She can't give up cheese. But every time she has a lot of it she get nauseous and throws up and so hopefully I can convince her to quit!
I hope I can stick with this. I'm already feeling better since I stopped eating meat. This time I'm going into vegetarianism/veganism for new reasons than ever before. I never really cared about animal rights when I was vegetarian for 2 years and then again for another year. I mainly did it because meat made me sick. Now it's more of a social issue for me. I think meat and dairy tastes great but I think I'm a person with some self control. I'll keep this updated while I'm on tour and tell the 5 people who read this how it's going!
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