

It has been a busy week. My days have been spent at work from 9-4 then doing whatever I can before I leave for Lincoln. I helped Kailey move everyday except Wednesday this week. I was there until 1:00-2:00am every night, most nights driving home to Omaha just to wake up at 8am for work. Plus I got a second job at godfathers and have been doing all of these things for our tour and our record. Things have been pretty fucking nuts. But it's all whatever and it's all worth it. Tour is 3 weeks from today. Real excited but real bummed to leave the people I love for another month.

A sweet band called Dawn Treader is staying at the float tonight, they're super nice. They're playing a show today at Ghost House w/ Treeline, Lord Green & Hold High The Severed Head of Thine Enemy. I am excited to see all of those bands! Then Monday Hercules is playing @ Sokol Underground w/ Terror, Death Before Dishonor, Trapped Under Ice & Fight Like Hell. I am hoping that this upcoming week is not as nuts as this one has been. I still have a lot of stuff to get done for tour. New tshirts, new records, new buttons, van tune up, new merch tubs, get all of our show info, much more. Plus Koizumi is trying to record before we leave and I'm trying to record some acoustic stuff with Chris Atkins. Hopefully I can get it all done before we leave, that would rule. Time to go to bed and go to work tomorrow. Looking forward to having Tuesday and Wednesday off. Hope to get some work done and hang with my friends and Kailey. Things are good. Life is cool.

I got puked on this weekend.

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