

This all started with me finding a huge lump on my neck Sunday night. I thought it was weird but I didn't think much of it. After talking to a few people who had similar things I wasn't worried and just figured it was no big deal. Thursday I woke up with a little bit of a sore throat but I usually get those when it gets a little colder out so once again didnt think anything of it. Friday brought some swelling and a weird pus filled sore in my throat. I q-tipped some of the pus out of the sore and it literally smelled like human shit was in my mouth. It was awful.

Saturday I woke up in extreme pain and my neck was now swollen in a few different places. I decided that Monday I should go into the doctor because this was looking pretty bad. I went itno work Saturday night and noticed my pain was getting worse and my throat swelled even more. At the very end of my shift I started getting shooting pains in my ear and I knew I had to get something done. After work I decided I couldn't let this slide and went into the emergencey room.

When I arrived I should a nurse my huge swollen neck and my pus filled sores and she was horrified. In fact, everyone I showed was horrified. I was told multiple times that you're not supposed to see swelling outside of the neck with things like this. They said they needed to do a cat scan. During the scan I had iodine pumped into me to see if I had an abscess in my throat or not. I was luckily warned of this before it happend but when they pumped it into me my body got super hot and it felt like I was just pissing in my pants the entire time, it was a really strange feeling.

After my cat scan Kailey came up from Lincoln to hang out with me at the hospital and it ruled, made me feel a lot better. She called my mom and my parents decided to come up to hang out as well. After waiting for about an hour after my cat scan the doctor finally came in and told me that I have an infected abscess in my throat. The only way to really get rid of this is to cut open and drain the abscess. Unfortunately for me the pocket of infection hasn't fully formed so I have to wait until tomorrow (Monday) to get it cut open. I have to get up at 7:00am tomorrow to call a Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to try to get in. If I can't get into there I have to go back to the emergency room to cut sliced and drained.

Luckily I went in when I did though. The swelling was so huge that is was putting pressure on my windpipe and if I didn't go in it could have swollen my windpipe shut which would obviously kill me. That was wild news to get. I got some medicine to take for the swelling and it has gone down a bit today and the pain isn't nearly as bad. It's 1:05am right now and I can't really sleep because I have absolutely no idea what to expect tomorrow. I was told they would cut it open and drain it but I have no clue what that process is like. I hope everything goes well. This is all a huge bummer.

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