

Today wasn't all bad. I finally got to sleep in a little which was nice. I woke up and had a lot on my mind so I took a nice walk around my neighborhood. Then Gabe called me up and we went to eat free Hong Kong Cafe. Then plan was to then go swim at a public pool but I remembered my 4 free passes to Coco Key Water Resort so I took those babies and hit the water slides hard. After that I lounged around at home for a few hours, worked on tour, made a flier, played guitar, all of that jazz. Finally came to the manor for some grand theft auto 4, treats from QT and now endless internet surfing. Things aren't really bad today but they're not great. Have to wake up at 8:00am for work and I am not looking forward to that. All I can do at work is sit and think about things bothering me in life.

Staying at my parents this weekend to watch my dog while they're out of town. Punch show Friday in Lincoln. Linoma Saturday with my family, my love and my loves little girl. Things aren't bad, I just have to stop getting down. Don't have ANY money to go on tour next month but it's whatever. May just have to move in with my parents for a few months when I get home. Don't want to but I'm gonna do what I have to. Not looking forward to starting my work week.

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