
Edmonton, AB

Saskatoon had a wild turn of events. Riley from Battle and I played an open mic night. It's kind of hard for me to describe what I did. Basically I pretended I was this overly shy dude and I would mess up songs and get really mad at myself, tell uncomfortable stories, do really strange moves and was just an all around weirdo. You'll have to ask other people to get a better story. It was a hilarious time and I bummed out the girl who did open mic night REALLY hard. I ruined the one thing she has in her life I think.

Yesterday we played in Lethbridge, Alberta at this huge hall called the German Canadian Club. As we walked in a funeral was JUST getting over. It was so weird. There was just this grieving family getting drunk as kids set up their stuff and started playing. A lot of kids came out which was awesome. Played with 3 metalcore type bands. The mosh was hard. Us and Battle had a killer time hanging out in this huge hall and had an even better time playing. After the show we stayed at this kids apartment. We dropped the N bomb and things got really weird. Some of us ate at Dennys. Build your own grand slam - unlimited pancakes all night.

Today we are in Edmonton, AB. This place is HUGE! I had no idea. It looks like Los Angeles or something. There was a massage parlor (obviously a rub n tug center) that said "licensed by therapist" on the window but it was separated by some wood so it just read "LICENSED BY THE RAPIST." It was hilarious. We got a nice snap shot. We're playing at this community center. Tonight is probably the smallest show we've played in Canada so far but there's still like 20-30 kids here which is awesome since we've never been here before and we're from a different country. I know I'm forgetting a ton of funny stories but I suppose you'll just have to wait until we get home to hear them all. I'm getting some really good pictures. We're meeting a lot of bums of course but non have yet to wonder into our show and tell me they once played with Eric Clapton or something. There's a really good screamo band playing right now. Eat your heart out Matt Vicars.

Last night Matt and I cut ourselves and people were not into it. I touched a light that was 12 feet in the air. Tomorrow we're going to the home of one of my heroes Brett The Hitman Heart, Calgary Alberta. So excited. I hear he hangs out at malls so I'm gonna try and find him. If I do I'll lose my mind. I met him once when I was little but I didn't talk to him because I was terrified. If I do meet him do I tell him I watched his brother die? Hard to tell. Until next time . . .

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