

I fell asleep last night with my shirt off, pants on and belt undone. I have become a vagabound loser. Had to get up early today in Lubbock, TX so we could get to Fort Worth to play our show with the punk rock veterans in DropDead. The drive today was a short 5 hours to Fort Worth. We rolled into town and dropped our stuff off at Aaron's parents house, the 2nd Broveak residence we're staying at on this tour. We then drove to Spiral Diner so Vic could eat his first big vegan meal of tour. According to Mr. Vicars to food was "incwedable!"

I was really bummed Omaha or Lincoln people didn't come down to the show. You missed OUT. Hatred Surge was one of the best bands I've seen live. One of the heaviest bands ever. The PA was fucked up for the first little bit so I couldn't heard the lead singer but once the PA got fixed her voice blew up and scared the hell out of me.

DropDead was almost too good to describe. The dudes were rolling around the venue all night just talking to a lot of old friends. The people in DD are straight up 40+ years old. The drummer looked like he could be my grandfather but they were all incredibly nice people and they still play fast as fuck. They had to borrow equipment so they didn't get to use their usual set up so they weren't as load as I would have liked. Can't believe I got to play a show that DropDead was also playing. Highlight of tour.

After the show Matt Vicars decided to get behind the wheel of the van. After a smooth 10 mile ride we were almost to Aaron's house when we pulled up to a red car that looked like it could go pretty fast. There was an attractive woman driving the car so Vic decided to "holla" at her. He said "Hey girl, you vibin me? you vibin me?" to which she replied "no." After he asked why and few times and didn't get a response he retaliated with "well the fuck you bitch." Not a very classy move for this is the era of Classy, not Dirty Vic.

We were pulling up to the next light and to avoid anymore confrontation with this woman Vic decided to pull behind her. We follwed her for a few lights and started talking about how it would be funny if she lived in Aaron's parents neighborhood. As we were coming up to our turn the lady got into the same turning lane as we did. Now we were concerned that she thought we were following her. Great...she lives in Aaron's neighborhood. As we followed this woman we found out she even lived on the same street as Aaron. We had to pass her parked car to get to our house.

She got out of the car and noticed that we had followed her to her home and she was not happy with us. She stood by her car with her arms folded, glaring at us most likely assuming we were trying to gang rape her or something. Vic kept yelling "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" but she just kept starring. Vic decided to write her a note explaning what he did and why he did it. He assured her that he did not mean what he said and that she seemed like a very nice girl. He placed the note which included his name and number under her windshield wipers.

If I wake up in the morning and our windows are smashed in and our equipment is gone Matt Vicars is going to owe us thousand of dollars for his actions. I'll keep you all updated.

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