
You guys are from Oma-mersa?

Really limited interweb access on this tour, sorry for the lack of updates. Another brief overview.

6.23 - 6.24 San Francisco, CA: Stayed with our friend Nic for two days and checked out San Francisco, had an amazing time. We saw a lot of cool stuff and ate some incredible food. When we weren't out and about we played the new Grand Theft Auto game and it was amazing. Made me want to buy an X box 360 just to play that game.

6.25 Redding, CA: The show in Redding was nuts. We played at a place called The Downtown Eatery which was a bar/grill type place. There was almost no one at the show but we got free food and free drinks all night. Plus we got to stay in an apartment above the venue that was there for bands to stay in. Vic got super sick while in San Francisco and slept a full 24 hours straight. A wild ass time.

6.26 Portland, OR: Had a hellish 7 hour drive to Portland but luckily the scenery was beautiful. The show we played was super fucking awesome. Played a local Portland band called Life and Limbs last show. All of the bands were sweet, there were a ton of kids there and everyone had fun. Unlucky for me I got Vic's sickness at this show and passed out in the van, missing 3 of the bands. We stayed at some really nice kids house and they made us soup, stuffing and bread.

6.27 Tacoma, WA: I woke up feeling like dogshit in Portland and pulled a Vic, sleeping all day until it was time to play in Tacoma. We played an awesome venue called The Viaduct with some sweet bands. Met a nice dude named Bryan and we chilled at his apartment, stayed up late eating spaghetti and watched What About Bob. I didn't sleep at all and woke up every 10-2o minutes. My sickness was really kicking my ass and it was god awful.

6.28 Spokane, WA: Woke up today feeling the worst I have yet. Thought I was going to puke when I was ordering my bagel for breakfast I could only eat half of. I once again slept the entire drive today. Woke up to us stopping at a scenic overview and it was incredible. The show in Spokane was sweet. We played at the Cretin Hop. In the back of the venue they had a projector and a huge screen. After the show they played Resevoir Dogs so we hung out and watched that. Now we're at a huge apartment/house where a ton of people live. A drunk girl fell down and smacked her face hard as shit on the cement and I lost it. She almost fell backwards down the stairs. At that point it was time to get upstairs before shit got nuts. Our show in Boise got canceled tomorrow so we're just staying with some people ITFOW know. Our next show is in Salt Lake City on the 30th. We will be home in 5 days. This tour has been fucking awesome. The northwest is my favorite place I've ever toured.

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